I have always had an interest in the complexities and mechanics of the human and animal world and how we have evolved over millions of years. How the living world has had to adapt to changing climates, natural and man-made disasters, having to adjust to constantly advancing technologies. I am also interested in our inbred instincts to survive and re-create, to improve the quality of our existence.
Research is one of the most enjoyable parts of my work, which allows me to gain knowledge and insight into my subject or theme. Keeping an open mind and allowing myself to be taken down different routes helps me formulate ideas, and creates new direction and potential for future work.
I am a keen photographer, and like to use my camera when ever i can. My macro lens opens up a totally new visual world of colour, abstract pattern and texture. My photographs allow me to use stitch, paint and drawing to explore ideas further.
The relationship between the media and the idea is crucial. I create 2D and 3D pieces of art, using mixed media and found objects, trying to use materials out of their normal context. Open ended experimentation allows my work to evolve naturally.
My work is influenced and inspired by the world that surrounds me, from personal relationships to a walk in the woods; reading a book, or seeing a child’s shoe in the gutter. I hope my work encourages the viewer to contemplate nature, life and our existence, now and in the future.